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The grid below provides one-click access to detailed information, supporting documents and videos for all B&B Medical Technologies’ products.
Product Group Part Number Product Name Catalog Sheet Instructions for Use Policies & Procedures Video Evaluation Form
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Bite Blocks Bite Proof Bite Block™ Part # 11040 Bite Proof Bite Block™ – Bite Block Solutions for ET Tube Protection
Universal Bite Block (Pediatric)™ Part # 11170 Universal Bite Block (Pediatric)™ – Bite Block solutions for ET Tube Protection
Universal Bite Block (Adult)™ Part # 11160 Universal Bite Block (Adult)™ – Bite Block Solutions for ET Tube Protection
Continuous Nebulizers HOPE™ Nebulizer Pediatric Kit HOPE™ Nebulizer Pediatric Kit
HOPE™ Nebulizer Adult Kit Part # 11320 HOPE™ Nebulizer Adult Kit
HOPE™ Nebulizer Part # 11310 HOPE™ Nebulizer – Aerosol Therapy for Adult and Pediatric Patients
Endotracheal Tube Holders Baby Tape Plus™ Part # 25390 Baby Tape Plus™
LockTite™ Part # 11090 LockTite™
StabilTube™ Part #11060 StabilTube™
ET Tape™ Part # 11020 ET Tape™
ET Tape II™ Part # 11010 ET Tape II™
Infant CPAP and Manifold nCPAP Cap Part # 20240 thru 20249 The nCPAP Cap™
NEO2-Safe™ Part # 11100 NEO2-Safe™
B&B Single Pole Clamp Part# 25371 B&B Single Pole Clamp
12.5 cm H2O Pressure Relief Manifold™ Part # 25330 B&B Bubbler 12.5 cm H2O Pressure Relief Manifold™
B&B Bubbler™ Part # 25312 & 25324 B&B Bubbler – Bubble CPAP Device
Test Lungs & Accessories Accutach™ Flow Sensor Part # 25250 Accutach™ Pneumotach Flow Sensor
Wrap-Safe™ Part # 15100 Wrap-Safe™
Precision Resistor Kit™ Part # 20118 Precision Resistor Kit™
Test Lung™ – Pediatric 0.5L Part # 20120 Test Lung™ – Pediatric 0.5L
B&B Adult Test Lung™ – 1.0L Part # 25405 B&B Adult Test Lung 1.0L™
Tracheostomy Security TrachStay™ Part # 11270 TrachStay™
TrachGuard™ Part # 11250 TrachGuard™